04 No Place to Hide

  1. Parkour secret. +1 armor.

    From the starting point, you jump onto the boxes to your left, onto the wall, climb along it, jump onto the AC box and then onto the small roof.
  2. Parkour secret. +1 health.

    From secret #1 go through the archway below the small roof to the boxes at the end. Jump onto the boxes and onto the wall. You need to make your way around the small walled in courtyard counter clockwise, finishing by jumping from windowsill to windowsill
  3. Secret. Ammo (Electricity +50)

    From secret #2 you follow the path until you get to the first firefight with cyborg soldiers. On the left hand side of the small square, there is a walled off section with boxes along the wall. Jump onto them and over the wall.

    See secrets #1, 2 and three here:

  4. Secret Rocket Launcher.

    After clearing out the large courtyard with a turret guarding the exit, go through the archway and go into the first alley on your left.

    There's a crumbling wall with some trash bags pushed up against it. Go a little further up the alley and jump onto the pallets and then the small roof, you can sprint+jump across the wall. Use the rocket launcher to blow a hole so you can get out.
  5. Secret Laser

    In the area just before the Mosque and cut scene, the wall at the end can be smashed with your hammer. Do that to get the laser.
  6. Secret Explosive. C4 (1)

    In the area with the Laser, there is a stack of boxes. Jump onto the boxes, onto the awning, then from AC to AC until you get to the top of the building. From here you can walk across the power line on the left to the roof on the other side. Turn right and pick up the C4 on the couch.

    See secrets #4, 5 and 6 here:

  7. Mini secret! Electricity (+50)

    When you leave the mosque turn left, go through the archway and turn left once more. Go to the wall with the graffiti and use the barrels to jump over it.

    Picking up the electricity summons two kleers, so be ready for them.
  8. Secret! Armor (+50)

    At the end of this section, where you have to climb through a hole in the wall, turn left and go to the far end of the street. There are two buildings with a small gap between them, facing the wall. Go through the gap to pick up the armor.

    See secrets #7 and 8 here:

  9. Secret! Health (+50)

    At the exit, you go to the far right end of the road. There's a crumbling wall that you can blow up. Do so and pick up the health behind it.

    See secret #9 here: